Why Returning to Running May Be the Best Idea You've Ever Had

You may be reading this because you are thinking about returning to running after taking some time off, or maybe you're just starting out and have a lot of questions. Either way, you're in the right place! In this blog post I'll discuss all of the things that go into returning to running, from getting started again to what to wear on your first race. I'll also talk about some of the common concerns people have when they start running, such as getting injured or feeling anxious. But don't worry Sis, I'll help you overcome those fears and get started on the right foot.

So if you're ready to return (or start) running, keep reading!

One of the first things you need to do when returning to running is to ease into it. You can't just go out and run a marathon on your first day back! Start by running a few days a week, gradually increasing your mileage each week. If you're starting from scratch, check out my FREE 6 week running program: Run Your First 5K in 6 Weeks, that will slowly but surely get you up to running 3.1 miles. No matter how long you've been away from running or how much experience you have, it's always important to start slow and build up gradually.

Another thing to keep in mind when returning to running is what kind of gear you'll need. Obviously, you'll need a good pair of running shoes, but what about the rest of your gear? Do you need running clothes? A GPS watch? Headphones?

There are a lot of options out there and it can be overwhelming, but don't worry! Just start with the basics and build up from there. A good pair of running shoes is the most important thing, followed by some comfortable clothes that you can move in. The rest is just icing on the cake. You don't need all the bells and whistles to start running, just some good shoes and clothes. Check out my favorite Race Day must haves below:

For the BEST Running Shoes & Gear: On Running 's Cloudmonster Running Shoes and Zero Jacket.

For the best GPS Watch: Garmin Forerunner 245 (my next purchase!!!)

For my favorite headphones for running: SHOKZ Openrun Pro

As far as races go, there's no need to jump into a marathon right away (unless that's your goal, of course). Start with a smaller race, like a local one.

Half marathons are also popular options for those easing their way back into the racing scene. And don't worry, there's no shame in walking during a race. In fact, most people walk at some point during a race, even the elites! Just have fun and enjoy the experience.

The last thing I want to touch on is common running injuries and how to avoid them.

The two most common running injuries are IT band syndrome and runner's knee.

Both of these can be prevented by stretching regularly and slowly increasing your mileage. I also recommend foam rolling and using a lacrosse ball to massage any tight spots in your muscles. If you do start to feel pain, stop running immediately and rest until the pain goes away completely. Don't try to push through the pain, as this will only make the injury worse.

If you're ready to start running again or are just starting out, I hope this blog post has helped answer some of your questions. Just remember to start slow, ease into it, and have fun! And if you ever have any questions, feel free to reach out to me on social media @iamfitandfemale or email me at tiffany@fitandfemale.net. I'm always happy to help. I would love to hear your comments…drop them below!

Happy running!

Coach Tiff